Ascensosur Sur

Ascent of Condor Tuco Mountain (5540m)

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Ascent of Condor Tuco Mountain (5540m)

Ascent of Condor Tuco Mountain (5540m)


2 Days


Easy, no previous experience required

Group Size

10 Guest



About Ascent of Condor Tuco Mountain (5540m)

Situated in the Vilcanota mountain range of the Peruvian Andes, Condor Tuco reaches an elevation of 5540m., making it a spectacular viewpoint from which to appreciate the titans of the range, like Ausangate, the Cayangates and Mariposa. The access to the glacier is easy, ideal for beginners or for experienced mountaineers who are looking to acclimatise for one of the higher mountains. The approach is through beautiful Andean scenery and offers opportunities to see typical wildlife of the Andes.

  • Tour Type: Mountaineering
  • Requirements: Prior acclimatization in Cusco, good physical fitness 
  • Season: April to October
  • Type of service: Private


We leave the hotel today around 7am, to head towards the town of Pitumarca, around 3 hours south of Cusco. We’ll stop here to stretch our legs and buy any last-minute supplies before continuing about 1.5 hours on a dirt road towards the community of Chilca. At the trailhead, we’ll meet our group of pack-animals and animal handlers who will take care of all the equipment for us. The hike to base camp will take around 2 hours through spectacular scenery and past herds of alpacas. Our team will set up the tents for us and we’ll have a chance to rest before we enjoy a delicious dinner in preparation for tomorrow.

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